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DataBricks [EN]

Última atualização em Jul 29, 2024

What will you learn in this article?

In this article you will learn how to connect Erathos with Databricks.

Step by Step

To add Databricks as a target in Erathos’ data movement platform, the following informations are necessary : Server Hostname, HTTP path and Access token. You can read the tutorial bellow on how to find these credentials.

The first step is to create a new SQL Warehouse. To do so, select the “SQL Warehouse” option found inside “New”:

Name your SQL warehouse and define the configurations accordingly to your use, for example the cluster size, auto stop, scaling and type. When the configuration is done, click on Create.

Enter the Connection detalis tab to obtain the Server Hostname and HTTP path credentials.

In the same tab, select the option “Create a personal Access Token”.

Select the Generate new token button and define a name for identification of the new token.

Attention: copy the token value, it will not be shown again.

Erathos Platform

To fill in the Databricks form in the Erathos platform using the informations of Server HostnameHTTP path and Access Token obtained, follow these steps:

Sign in and click on “Configure your data warehouse”, to complete the Onboarding steps in your Home page:

Now, select Databricks as your data warehouse:

Complete the connection form with the credentials obtained and click on the Connect button to finish.